Mornings before today, the day of my 45th birthday, I asked myself what will this the day bring? Over the last year I’ve realized that I like to be more in control of things so I’ve decided to pose the question differently… How do I get to make this day the best day ever? Don’t you know it’s all about you? So, what do you want? Every morning when I wake up, I now understand I can paint my day on a blank canvas to look and feel the way I want. Having trouble visualizing yourself within this concept? Tidying can get you there and I can help! There are four steps to getting started - Step 1: LISTEN TO THE AUDIBLE VERSION OF SPARK JOY BY MARIE KONDO Step 2: WRITE 2 LISTS, ONE OF WHAT SPARKS JOY FOR YOU AND ONE THAT DESCRIBES YOUR IDEAL LIFE AND LIVING SPACE. Step 3: VISUALIZE YOURSELF AS IF YOU ARE ALREADY LIVING THIS NEW LIFE. (DON’T LEAVE OUT ANY DETAILS) Step 4: CONTACT ME AND LET’S GET STARTED!! Happy Tidying, Everyone! 📷 via Pinterest
This post comes immediately after having a virtual session with a very special client. “N” and I have been doing virtual lessons since August and initially she said she hated walking into her closet, there were certain things she just wouldn’t touch, and she actually wanted to give up after our first 2 sessions. She pushed through and today she actually hung up an article of clothing that had negative emotions attached to it. She said it was the number one best part of our time together. She faced a fear and decided to honor the piece of clothing by taking off the plastic and hanging it up in the closet. This experience serves as a reminder that we get to choose what we want to keep and what we get to let go of. What we keep must make us feel supported and loved. What we let go of are things that no longer serve who are today going forward. Tidying up isn’t just about removing clutter, it’s about making your home a place you love and cherish. All the steps from the very beginning of your life, the bumps, the bruises, the successes and achievements are all what make you you. To honor them all is to be grateful for all that you are. |
February 2022